SEGGER media kit
Free to use SEGGER authorized pictures
General information
License information
The following photos are available under a CC BY-SA 3.0 Creative Commons License. You may download and reuse these photos free of charge as long as you credit SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH as the original photographer. The Creative Commons Legal Code can be found at:
Conditions of use
- You must always credit the photographer, i.e. SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH.
- These photos may only be used in connection with SEGGER products.
- Please send an email to with a link to the online page or a print copy of the publication where these photos are used.
Product photos
Debug probes – J-Link
Production programmers – Flasher
License information for keyvisuals
The following logos and icons are trademarks of SEGGER. They may only be used for promoting SEGGER or its products. Before using any of these, please contact us and make sure whether you are allowed to make use of the imagery for your specific use case.
Conditions of use for keyvisuals
- You must not obfuscate the owner of the trademark, the SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH.
- These logos may only be used to promote SEGGER and SEGGER products.
- The black border is part of the SEGGER logo and may not be left out. It has to be padded with solid color that has the same thickness as the frame.
- Please send an email to which includes a link to the online page or a print copy of publication where these photos are used.
SEGGER - It simply works!
SEGGER - The Embedded Experts
License information for certificates
The following logos and icons are trademarks of SEGGER. They may only be used with products, that have been tested and approved by SEGGER for compatibility with SEGGER products. Before using any of these, please contact us and make sure whether you are allowed to make use of the imagery for your specific use case.
Conditions of use for certificates
- You must not obfuscate the owner of the trademark, the SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH.
- These logos may only be used to promote SEGGER and SEGGER products.
- The black border is part of the SEGGER logo and may not be left out. It has to be padded with solid color that has the same thickness as the frame.
- Please send an email to which includes a link to the online page or a print copy of publication where these photos are used.