SEGGER Microcontroller provides professional development and production solutions for the embedded market. All SEGGER products are highly optimized and benefit from more than 30 years of experience in the industry. More about SEGGER.
For an insight into how SEGGER products are used in real-world applications, please visit the Case Studies Blog.
The newly introduced SEGGER Design Service helps companies that want to develop new or next-generation products, or reengineer existing ones, create cost-effective applications that are precisely tailored to their needs.
SEGGER introduces the new DataPlot window for advanced data visualization in SystemView. The DataPlot window enables users to record and visualize custom data samples over time.
SEGGER's Flasher PRO now supports programming the One-Time Programmable (OTP) memory of NXP's PF8101/PF8201 power management integrated circuit (PMIC).