Overview of supported IDEs

Full J-Link/J-Trace support
The following table lists the IDEs fully supporting J-Link/J-Trace and the additional features of J-Link/J-Trace, which can be used with them.
All following IDEs have debug support, including: Download to flash and RAM, memory read/write, CPU register read/write, run control (go, step, halt), software breakpoints in RAM, hardware breakpoints in flash memory, and use of Unlimited Flash Breakpoints.
IDE | Licensing | Supported devices | SWO support2,3 | Trace support1 | Short description | Wiki |
SEGGER Embedded Studio (for ARM / Cortex / Cortex-M / RISC-V) | Commercial FREE for non-commercial purposes | Cortex-A/R/M, ARM7/9/11, RISC-V | SEGGER Embedded Studio may be used free of charge for non-commercial purposes! SEGGER Embedded Studio is a complete all-in-one solution for managing, building, testing, and deploying your embedded applications. Its Visual Studio-like style brings the intuitive usage to which PC developers are used to the embedded world of engineering. | |||
Visual Studio Code (Cortex-Debug Extension) | Free | Cortex-A/R/M | Free code editor with IDE capabilities. Cortex-Debug extension has to be installed manually. Can be used with GCC toolchains. | |||
emIDE | Free | Cortex-A/R/M, ARM7/9/11 | 3 | Visual Studio style, free open source toolchain. Based on GCC and Code::Blocks. Easy to use and fast. Editor supports code folding, syntax highlighting, code completion, and project management. More info and download: emide.org | ||
Eclipse | Free | Cortex-A/R/M, ARM7/9/11 | 3 | Eclipse plugins available for GNU ARM. Plugins have to be installed manually. Can be used with GCC toolchains. Base for common commercial IDEs. | ||
Atmel Studio | Free | ATMEL SAM3/4/D20 only | 3 | Visual Studio style, free toolchain. Based on GCC and Visual Studio Express. Easy to use and fast. Editor supports code folding, syntax highlighting, code completion and project management. Supports Atmel devices only. J-Link is supported in Atmel Studio 6 and later. | ||
CooCox CoIDE | Free | Cortex-M0/M3 | 3 | Free Eclipse based IDE for ARM Cores, using GCC (not included). | ||
Renesas e2Studio | Free | RX60x/61x/ 62x/63x | N/A | Eclipse based, commercial toolchain for Renesas RX. Can be used with GCC Compiler or Renesas compiler (requires additional license). | ||
iSystem WinIDEA Open | Free | Cortex-M | Visual Studio style, free toolchain. Based on GCC. Editor supports code folding, syntax highlighting, code completion and project management. | |||
NXP Kinetis Design Studio (KDS) | Free | NXP Kinetis Cortex-M only | Free Eclipse based IDE. Supports NXP Kinetis Cortex-M devices only. | |||
Infineon DAVE | Free | Infineon XMC only | Free Eclipse based IDE. Supports Infineon XMC devices only. | |||
NXP MCUXpresso Free Edition | Free | Cortex-M, ARM7/9 | Eclipse and GCC based IDE. No Code size limit. Supports NXP LPC / Kinetis ARM7/9 and Cortex-M devices only. | |||
NXP LPCXpresso Free Edition | Free | Cortex-M, ARM7/9/11 | 3 | Eclipse based IDE for ARM cores. Code size limited to 256 KB. Supports NXP devices only. | ||
ON Semiconductor IDE | Free | ON Semiconductor devices | 3 | Eclipse and GCC based commercial toolchain. | ||
Silicon Labs Simplicity Studio | Free | Silicon Labs Cortex-M and 8051 devices | Free Eclipse based IDE. Supports Silicon Labs Cortex-M and 8051 devices only. | |||
ST STM32CubeIDE | Free | ST STM32 | 3 | Free Eclipse based IDE. Supports ST STM32 devices only. | ||
System Workbench for STM32 | Free | ST STM32 | 3 | Free Eclipse based IDE. Supports ST STM32 devices only. | ||
SysProgs VisualGDB | Commercial | Cortex-A/R/M, ARM7/9/11 | 3 | Extension for Microsoft Visual Studio. Commercial. Can be used with GCC or LLVM. | ||
Mentor Sourcery CodeBench | Commercial | Cortex-A/M, ARM7/9/11 | 3 | Eclipse and GCC based commercial toolchain. Supports ARM, IA32, MIPS and PowerPC architectures. | ||
TI Code Composer Studio | Free | Cortex-A/R/M | Eclipse and GCC based commercial toolchain. Supports TI devices only. | |||
NXP LPCXpresso Pro Edition | Commercial | Cortex-M, ARM7/9/11 | 3 | Eclipse based IDE for ARM cores. Supports NXP devices only. | ||
Renesas HEW | Commercial | RX60x/61x/ 62x/63x | N/A | Visual Studio style, commercial toolchain. Renesas or GCC compiler. | ||
Rowley CrossWorks | Commercial | Cortex-A/R/M, ARM7/9/11 | 3 | Flash download not available for ARM11. Visual Studio style, commercial toolchain. Based on GCC. Unlimited Flash Breakpoints available since CrossWorks V3.3. | ||
Atollic TrueSTUDIO | Commercial / Free | Cortex-A/R/M, ARM7/9 | Eclipse and GCC based commercial toolchain. | |||
TASKING VX-toolset | Commercial | Cortex-M | 3 | Eclipse based commercial toolchain. Not GCC based. Supports Cortex-M devices. | ||
IDA Pro incl. ARM Decompiler | Commercial | Cortex-A/R/M, ARM7/9/11 | Multi-processor disassembler and debugger which supports multiple CPU architectures and supports J-Link via the GDB protocol. Available for Windows, OSX and Linux. | |||
NXP CodeWarrior | Commercial | NXP Kinetis only | Eclipse and GCC based commercial toolchain. Supports NXP devices only. | |||
Keil MDK | Commercial | Cortex-A/R/M, ARM7/9 | Visual Studio style, commercial toolchain. Non-GCC compiler. | |||
IAR EWARM | Commercial | Cortex-A/R/M, ARM7/9 | Visual Studio style, commercial toolchain. Non-GCC compiler. | |||
IAR EWRX | Commercial | RX60x/61x/62x | N/A | Visual Studio style, commercial toolchain. GCC compiler. | ||
Microchip MPLAB X | N/A | Microchip Cortex-A/R/M | Free NetBeans based IDE. Requires a licence in order to use the Microchip XC32(++) compiler. | |||
Cosmic ZAP | N/A | Cortex-M | Commercial debugger. Can be used stand-alone or in combination with Cosmic IDEA (IDE) and Cosmic Software C compiler. | |||
Emprog Thunderbench | N/A | Cortex-A/R/M, ARM7/9 | Eclipse based commercial toolchain. Not GCC based. |
All information is collected to the best of our knowledge and belief. It may be subject to change and my be updated at any time. If you find any false or missing information, feel free to contact us at info@segger.com.
1 Requires emulator with trace support. May not be supported with all devices.
2 May not be supported with all devices. Only available on Cortex-A/R/M devices.
3 Via J-Link SWO viewer (included in J-Link Software pack, no additional cost)
Limited J-Link/J-Trace support
IDE | Licensing | Supported devices | SWO support2 | Trace support1 | Limitations and short description |
ARM Developer Suite (ADS) V1.2.1 | N/A | ARM7/9 | N/A | Obsolete, no longer maintained or supported by ARM, but still quite popular. Supports J-Link via RDI interface. J-Link RDI license required. |
All information are collected to the best of our knowledge and belief. It may be subject to change and may be updated at any time. If you find any false or missing information, feel free to contact us at info@segger.com.
1 Requires emulator with trace support. May not be supported with all devices.
2 May not be supported with all devices. Only available on Cortex-A/R/M devices.