SEGGER Educational Partnership Program (SEPP)
We support and advance the Embedded Experts of tomorrow.
SEGGER is highly specialized in the field of embedded systems. These embedded systems are used in almost all areas of daily life, and our high-performance products set market standards around the world. Our customers work across all sectors of the high-tech industry, such as communication, healthcare, transportation, and aerospace. We are a privately owned company with more than 30 years of experience in the embedded computer systems industry.
SEGGER designs and develops the building blocks for modern products of all kinds. We are the one-stop solution for embedded development tools covering all embedded needs. Our motto is: It simply works!
Our philosophy
We value ideas that drive the development of embedded systems.
In addition to the constant exchange of information and ideas amongst our international team members, there is also active knowledge sharing between SEGGER and universities, faculty, students, and lecturers: all of which supports our philosophy of promoting innovative ideas.

Educational partnerships
SEGGER supports university teams, students, and lecturers in creating innovative applications and great projects. We provide our partners with many years of know-how and cutting-edge products from all areas of embedded development.
Research projects
SEGGER has offered its expertise in support of scientific projects such as a technical paper or the final thesis for both bachelor and master degrees. Access to expert knowledge and to insights into the developer’s day-to-day use of innovative products has yielded very successful results in the past, such as the projects below.

Function library for a mobile robot
In cooperation with the Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden, students, in the course of their bachelor thesis developed a function library for a mobile robot based on our RTOS embOS. During this process, SEGGER developers availed these students of their expertise as well as provided extensive technical documention, thereby facilitating development and supporting the research project with sound content.

Enhanced fuzz testing platform
As part of a research project for the International Conference of Software Engineering (ICSE) 2022, a team of students at the University of Georgia explored fuzzing. In this project, they developed their own improved platform, μAFL, from the original AFL framework. In assisting this process, SEGGER provided extensive support and a free software development kit which was used in the implementation of the control logic. In addition, the J-Trace PRO was used for communication between the PC and the evaluation board.
Vision needs to be encouraged. That is why for many years we have supported teams with visions of changing the world. Whether it is sustainable motorsports or robot-assisted everyday helpers — SEGGER and its products make it possible for these projects to become reality.

Forze’s hydrogen-powered car
The student team "Forze Hydrogen Racing" from the Technical University Delft has proven in recent years that hydrogen-powered cars can easily keep up with conventional racing cars. Thanks to the RTOS embOS and other embedded software from SEGGER, the processes in the car could be improved and the safety of the drivers could be guaranteed in combination with enormous performance improvements.

Solaride’s solar-powered car
Driving through the desert with the help of solar energy? That is what the Solaride student team did. They equipped the steering wheel with all the control elements using the emWin graphics library. Thanks to time- and power-saving features of embOS, the team was able to meet the tough demands of the desert without any losses.
SEGGER at your educational institute
The industry is always changing. Work with us to create future-oriented educational content. With our constantly-enhanced, flexible modules and solutions, you will always be at the cutting edge.
Incorporate SEGGER into your curriculum
Our range of products make the everyday life of developers easier — even at universities. The simple and flexible nature of our tools enables a practical integration into study modules from the basics to specific in-depth studies. With the help of commercial-grade software and hardware, most of which is available to students and teaching institutions free of charge under SEGGER's Friendly License, helpful skills and valuable knowledge can be imparted to future developers under real-life conditions.

Real-time operating systems (RTOS)
The real-time operating systems (RTOS) plays an essential role in modern systems. Teaching the basics of the modern operating system requires detailed explanation of the concepts, designs and goals of RTOSes. Essential topics include: processes and tasks, concurrency, time-based and priority-based scheduling methods, and communication and locking between processes.
Using SEGGER embOS, these topics can be demonstrated in a clear and practical way. Analysis tools, such as SystemView, facilitate step-by-step illustration of the processes within a system.

System design
The heart and the brain of many embedded systems is a microcontroller. Working with SEGGER provides a deeper look at the design and structure of hardware and software plus professional insight into how an exemplary system is designed and implemented.
Software development can be most efficiently carried out in an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), such as SEGGER’s Embedded Studio with integrated support for embedded systems.
A debug probe enables download/transfer of the developed firmware to hardware. J-Link is available in a discounted version for educational use with the same features of the professional development tool. There is also an on-board version which can be directly integrated in test hardware. Finally, use of integrated tools, such as Ozone, means the system can be analyzed and controlled close to the hardware.

Software development is an important part of interdisciplinary projects, such as robotics workshops or Formula Student teams. The firmware of these systems needs to control and monitor the designed hardware, and regulate communication within the system as well as with external systems.
While embOS serves as the foundation, additional embedded software is available, for example the communication libraries emUSB and emNet. Because the hardware and application levels are separated in all SEGGER modules, an introduction to the application and functionality can be taught independent of hardware.

Networked systems
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an extension of classical systems such as signal processing, human-machine interfaces, or data storage but with much complexity added to the levels of communication, data security, and encryption. Teaching this topic means covering the background and function of the algorithms and protocols used. These lessons can be augmented with practical exercises using software modules or by developing full software solutions.
SEGGER security and communication modules emSecure, emSSL and emMQTT complement a classic system and simply turn it into a "Thing".
Related offers
It is of great importance for us to pass on our knowledge to the next generation of embedded experts.

Practical experience
The best way, possibly the only way, to cement theoretical learning is through practical experience. Working at SEGGER offers deep insight into the everyday work of an embedded engineer, providing students with the valuable experience they need for their professional future.
We offer
- Student internships
- Working students positions

Technical supervision and lectures
The Embedded Experts impart their years of know-how to students and make valuable contributions to scientific papers, or bring their practical background knowledge into the lecture hall.
We offer
- Guest lectures
- Specialized thesis supervision

We are happy to support public interest projects with material or financial resources. In individual offers we can put together the optimal solution for your project.
We offer
- Product loans or workshop equipment
- Financial support
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