Terms of Use

The software consists of proprietary programs of SEGGER, protected under copyright and trade secret laws. All rights, title and interest in the software are and shall remain with SEGGER. For details, please refer to the license agreement which needs to be accepted when installing the software. The text of the license agreement is also available as entry in the start menu after installing the software.
Use of Software
SEGGER J-Link software may only be used with original SEGGER products and authorized OEM products. The use of the licensed software to operate SEGGER product clones is prohibited and illegal.
Use of the Software with 3rd Party Tools
For simplicity, some components of the J-Link software are also distributed by partners with software tools designed to use J-Link. These tools are primarily debugging tools, but also memory viewers, flash programming utilities as well as software for other purposes. Distribution of the software components is legal for our partners, but the same rules as described above apply to their usage: They may only be used with original SEGGER products and authorized OEM products. The use of the licensed software to operate SEGGER product clones is prohibited and illegal.