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emSSL V2 – The SSL/TLS solution for single-chip systems
The minimized RAM usage allows operation on single-chip systems. A secure connection between browser and the webserver supported by emSSL requires only 7KB of RAM.
With such small RAM requirements, even small embedded devices can send e-mail via encrypted connections and retrieve or serve secure web pages using HTTPS. Example code demonstrates how to access cloud-based services such as Dropbox and Twitter.
“We are thrilled to bring SSL/TLS technology to small and inexpensive chips,” says Dirk Akemann, Partnership Marketing Manager at SEGGER. “With its high efficiency in terms of RAM, ROM and processor load, our emSSL solution makes it very easy to establish secure connections to small IoT devices.”
The product works seamlessly with SEGGER’s embOS/IP, the high performance IP Stack, as well as with the embOS/IP Web Server extension. Alternatively, it runs smoothly with any IP Stack supporting plain sockets, or any bidirectional communications channel.
emSSL comes as a complete package with all modules provided in source code. This way the user has full control over the code used and does not need to worry about possible back doors or weaknesses in the code. It supports TLS version 1, 1.1 and 1.2 out of the box.
More information about emSSL is available at:
About embOS/IP
embOS/IP is a high performance IP stack specifically designed for embedded systems. The flexible stack supports all popular protocols such as ACD, ARP, AutoIP, DHCP, DNS, FTP, HTTP, ICMP, IPv4, Multicast, NetBIOS Name Service, PPP/PPPoE, SMTP, SNTP, TCP, UDP, UPnP, VLAN, and many more. embOS/IP is fully compliant to all related RFCs. Full product specifications are available at: