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- NXP TechDays Boston 2022
Boston, MA, USA — September 29, 2022
SEGGER makes it easy to add support for new devices to J-Link and Flasher
The new SEGGER Device Support Kit makes it even easier to add support for new devices to SEGGER’s J-Link debug probes and Flasher programmers. The kit comes with all files required to create an end-user package to add devices to J-Link and Flasher. Included is a ready-to-go example with source code as well as a template to easily create an installer.
SEGGER and Geehy partner to fully support the APM32 series MCU
As part of a partnership with Geehy Semiconductor, SEGGER’s J-Links debug probes, as well as its family of Flasher in-circuit programmers, fully support the Geehy Polaris APM32 series MCU. Geehy and their customers now enjoy the benefits of J-Link Prime with these devices being supported right out of the box.
SEGGER’s open BigFAT specification breaks FAT's 4GB per file barrier
SEGGER’s BigFAT specification, which enables any third party to store files larger than 4 GB on standard FAT media, is now publicly available. This specification is not encumbered by any patents and can be used freely, along with the supporting tools.
C++ pitfalls – Memory allocation from interrupts
Modern C++ programming very much abstracts what is happening “under the hood” – i.e. what code the CPU is actually executing. This is nice for the programmer … if it works well. Unfortunately, C++ also introduces a stability problem in embedded systems. Many programmers are unaware of this problem. This post gives some background, explains the problem and presents a solution.
AppWizard Tutorial — Wheel Object
In a series of tutorials, each widget of the award-winning AppWizard will be introduced. This video shows how to create a Wheel Object.
AppWizard Tutorial — Visual Studio Simulation
Learn how to use the Visual Studio Simulation with the SEGGER emWin AppWizard.
NXP TechDays Boston 2022
Boston, MA, USA — September 29, 2022
Join us from September 29, 2022, at the NXP Tech Days in Boston, MA, USA.