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SEGGER Microcontrollers with largest ever Distributor Meeting
The participants had covered a total distance of more than 55,000 kilometers to gather in Hilden for the largest meeting ever of its kind at the Embedded Experts company.
“We are proud to have such a strong distribution network to help us exploit our enormous potential as a full-range supplier for embedded systems,” said Harald Schober, Director Sales&Marketing at SEGGER. “Thanks to everyone who took the effort to join us for this special occasion.”
Three companies were awarded and named Distributor of the Year in recognition of their outstanding contribution: EmbITeK of Japan, Windway of China, and Italsoft of Italy.
At the meeting, SEGGER presented its complete product portfolio, which meanwhile covers the full range of embedded systems development: Starting with its own IDE SEGGER Embedded Studio, debugging with the industry-leading J-Link, tying in Microcontroller peripherals via its Middleware, and finally implementing the software on the target through its own programmer.
The company’s portfolio meanwhile also includes solutions for secure communication as well as data and product security, meeting the needs of the rapidly evolving IoT.
SEGGER Microcontroller has rapidly grown and expects to maintain above-average growth for the coming years, thus continuously expanding its market share.