The Embedded Experts
Release notes for SEGGER SystemView
Version 3.60 [05. Feb 2024]
New Features
- SystemView: Added multicore support.
- Target source: Added multicore support.
Version 3.58 [09. Oct 2024]
New Features
- SystemView: Added support for device-locked licenses.
- SystemView: Execute J-Link command 'ForceAttachTarget = 1' when connecting.
- Target source: Updated embOS target source file.
Program corrections
- SystemView: If no preempting task state is specified in the description file SystemView could crash. Fixed.
- SystemView: Performance Markers are displayed in wrong row in Timeline Window. Fixed.
- SystemView: Jump to next activity selects wrong context. Fixed.
- Target source: Compiler might issue sign-conversion warning. Fixed.
Version 3.56b [19. Sep 2024]
- SystemView: Add configurable gridlines to CPU Load window.
Program corrections
- SystemView: Task list in Timeline and CPU Load window was not ordered by priority. Fixed.
- SystemView: DataPlot window did not apply the specified y-range correctly. Fixed.
Version 3.56a [03. Sep 2024]
- SystemView: Improved display of DataPlot window.
- SystemView: Data Sample registration: Treat scaling factor 0 as default scaling factor.
- SystemView: Improved display of integer data sample values.
- SystemView: Add menu entry 'Sample Recordings'.
- SystemView: Improved tool tip in DataPlot window.
- SystemView: Improved display of data plots on macOS.
- Target source: Updated source files to ensure compatibility.
Program corrections
- SystemView: Trigger configuration has not been applied. Fixed.
Version 3.56 [19. Aug 2024]
New Features
- SystemView: DataPlot Window added.
- SystemView: Added support for data sampling events.
- Target source: Added support for data sampling events.
- SystemView: Improved error handling of recoder configuration.
- SystemView: Improved support for running SystemView in WSL.
Program corrections
- SystemView: SystemView could crash when task name is not set. Fixed.
- SystemView: Recorder configration files were loaded although checkbox was not enabled. Fixed.
Version 3.54 [03. Jun 2024]
New Features
- SystemView: Context Statistics Window added.
- Target source: FreeRTOS integration for FreeRTOS V11 added.
- SystemView: Improved display of runtime statistics in timeline.
- SystemView: Added buttons for zooming the timeline.
- SystemView: Improved default window layout.
- SystemView: Lift limit of maximum named markers.
- SystemView: Lift limit of maximum named resources.
- SystemView: Lift limit of maximum modules.
- SystemView: Added support for extended stack information.
- Target source: Added support for extended stack information.
Program corrections
- SystemView: Command line parameter -usb rejects some serial numbers. Fixed.
- SystemView: FreeRTOS description file used wrong task state mask so suspended tasks were not resolved correctly. Fixed.
Version 3.52a [17. Jul 2023]
Program corrections
- SystemView: Heap free event did not display tag. Fixed.
- SystemView: License check could crash on startup when network adapters are disabled. Fixed.
Version 3.52 [05. Jul 2023]
New Features
- SystemView: Add export of Contexts Window via command line -export-contexts.
- SystemView: Add export of Terminal Window via command line -export-terminal.
Program corrections
- SystemView: Heap base and size parameters were displayed swapped in Define Heap event. Fixed.
- SystemView: SystemView could crash when Timeline Window is too small. Fixed.
- SystemView: Host formatted log might show wrong data at end of line. Fixed.
- SystemView: Host formatted log might have not printed last parameter. Fixed.
Version 3.50a [06. Mar 2023]
Program corrections
- Target Source: SEGGER_SYSVIEW.c would not build. Fixed.
Version 3.50 [27. Feb 2023]
New Features
- SystemView: Add support for floating licenses.
- SystemView: Re-implement "Read Recorded Data" for Single-Short and Post-Mortem Mode.
- SystemView: Lift limit for named types and named type keys.
- Target source: Added support for string types in formatted strings.
- Target source: Added vprintf API for logging.
- Target source: Added support for NULL string detection.
Program corrections
- SystemView: SystemView could crash when decoding task name in event description. Fixed.
Version 3.42 [19. Dec 2022]
- SystemView: Added Peak Load and Peak Used metrics to dynamic memory (heap) monitoring.
Version 3.40 [16. Dec 2022]
New Features
- SystemView: Added support for dynamic memory (heap) monitoring.
- Target source: Added support for dynamic memory (heap) monitoring.
- SystemView: Return types in API descriptions can use a NamedType as per API parameters.
- SystemView: Updated embOS description files.
- SystemView: Do not show message box after export if triggered via command.
Program corrections
- SystemView: Potential crash when SystemView heavily loaded. Fixed.
- Target source: Fixed warnings.
Version 3.32 [27. Apr 2022]
New Features
- SystemView: Improved naviation through timeline with scrollbar.
- SystemView: Improved dragging the timeline.
- SystemView: Added '@' as marker in description files for non-function events.
- SystemView: Update timeline while recording more frequently.
- SystemView: Added number of Named Resources in System Information window.
- SystemView: Removed window frames for cleaner look.
- SystemView: Cleaned up menu items.
- SystemView: Added zooming with '=' key.
- SystemView: Updated embOS description file.
- SystemView: Added embOS-Ultra description file.
- SystemView: Updated FreeRTOS description file.
- Target source: Added embOS-Ultra configuration.
- Target source: FreeRTOS integration for FreeRTOS V10.4 added.
- Target source: Added example configuration for UART Recorder.
Program corrections
- SystemView: Command line parameters for J-Link recorder were not recognized. Fixed.
- SystemView: Zooming in on long recordings could crash SystemView. Fixed.
- SystemView: Function call events did not display function enter icon. Fixed.
- SystemView: Starting UART Recorder after it has been canceled did not work. Fixed.
- SystemView: Host-formatting string parameters could crash SystemView. Fixed.
- SystemView: High magnification in CPU Load could lock up SystemView. Fixed.
Version 3.30 [10. Feb 2021]
New Features
- SystemView: Added support for handling multiple actions given on the command line.
- SystemView: Added command line action -delay.
- SystemView: Added remote control.
- Systemview: Added command line control of running instance when started with -single.
- SystemView: Added export to Contexts Window.
- SystemView: Added export to Terminal Window.
- SystemView: Improved error handling.
- SystemView: Loading module description expected Module_VVersion, changed to Module_Version (as in SystemView V2)
- SystemView: SystemView quit on load error. Changed to stay open.
- SystemView: Improved enabling/disabling Load and Save actions.
- SystemView: Do not show recording properties dialog when saving through the command line to enable full automation.
- SystemView: Print duration of overflows in System Info.
- Target Source: Encode a 0 length string if string pointer is NULL.
- Target Source: Renamed example embOS config Zynq7010 to Zynq7000 to match embOS BSP.
- Target Source: Improved embOS SystemView interface.
Program corrections
- SystemView: Invert Wheel preference has not been passed to Timeline. Fixed.
- SystemView: Analysis could not be restarted after error. Fixed.
- SystemView: Overflows within Overflow Context have not been shown in Timeline. Fixed.
- SystemView: SystemView could crash on decoding invalid data. Fixed.
- SystemView: In high-load applications, data could get lost and lead to invalid event analysis. Fixed.
- SystemView: SystemView could display garbage for invalid task names. Fixed.
- SystemView: Task Terminate Event displayed wrong event details. Fixed.
Version 3.20 [20. Oct 2020]
New Features
- SystemView: Added Task Blocked Time statistics to Contexts Window.
- SystemView: Added support for fallback formatting of unknown values in NamedTypes.
- SystemView: Added support for spaces in NamedTypes when enclosed in quotes.
- Target Source: Updated RTT sources to support Cortex-A based targets with cache.
- Updated to SEGGER's Friendly License.
- SystemView: Improved Target Device Selection Dialog.
- SystemView: Improved CPU Load while recording.
- SystemView: Added analyzer statistics to System Information.
- SystemView: Improved display of NamedType values if undefined.
- SystemView: Improved display of Task information when instrumentation uses Task Stop (e.g. uC/OS)
- SystemView: Events List columns can now be shown/hidden and moved.
- SystemView: Restore column size and order of Contexts and Events Window.
- SystemView: Added timestamp Delta to Events List.
- SystemView: Added Raw Data to Events List.
- SystemView: Show runtime of each execution in Timeline Window.
- SystemView: Added SystemView to Linux start menu.
- SystemView: Added file associations on Linux.
- SystemView: Updated embOS description file.
- Target Source: Moved default defines to SEGGER_SYSVIEW_ConfDefaults.h, SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Conf.h can be empty in most cases.
- Target Source: Added example configuration headers for embOS.
Program corrections
- SystemView: J-Link Recorder Configuration were not shown when configuration was invalid. Fixed.
- SystemView: Recorder Configuration items possibly not shown according to other item values. Fixed.
- SystemView: On recording error, multiple error message boxes might be shown. Fixed.
- SystemView: Possible crash when recording only interrupts. Fixed.
- SystemView: Getting runtime of non-terminated executions might fail. Fixed.
- SystemView: Under special circumstances event details were missing. Fixed.
- SystemView: Display of execution at 100k borders might be wrong. Fixed.
- SystemView: Contexts' seconds statistics were possibly wrong for activations across second boundaries. Fixed.
- SystemView: Idle execution possibly not analyzed as stopped if task started running without a switch to scheduler. Fixed.
- SystemView: Possible crash if a NamedType had more than 64 values. Fixed.
Version 3.12 [29. Apr 2020]
New Features
- SystemView: Added Filter Header to Terminal Window.
- SystemView: Added Data Column to Events Window (Toggle via context menu).
- SystemView: Changed hotkey for Recorder Configuration to Alt-Return (instead of Alt-Enter).
- SystemView: Added Terminal statistics to System Information.
- SystemView: Added Marker statistics to System Information.
- SystemView: Improved display of longer durations as mm:ss.
- SystemView: Improved display of Name Marker Event.
- SystemView: Improved error/warning output.
- SystemView: Wait for more data if expected but target does not send (e.g. while halted).
- SystemView: Synchronize multi-selection in Terminal with Events Window.
- SystemView: Display Runtime statistics in table view.
- Target Source: Improved structure of target configurations.
- Target Source: Updated embOS target configurations.
- Target Source: Added embOS target configurations.
- Target Source: Updated default configuration to not define locking in simulation.
Program corrections
- SystemView: Warning and Error output was shown as Log message. Fixed.
- SystemView: Log messages were not correctly formatted on host. Fixed.
- SystemView: Messages without arguments ran though formatter. Fixed.
- SystemView: SystemView could crash when accessing scheduler infor early in a recording. Fixed.
- SystemView: Recording did possibly not start (seen on macOS and Linux). Fixed.
- SystemView: Negative time offset was not correctly displayed. Fixed.
- SystemView: Possibly multiple error popups. fixed.
- SystemView: Recorder restart after error possibly failed. Fixed.
- SystemView: Markers were possibly not shown. Fixed.
- SystemView: Timeline elements were possibly not shown at high zoom levels. Fixed.
- SystemView: License Manager did not recognize licenses installed with older versions. Fixed.
- SystemView: Systemview possibly crashed after analyzing Overflow Events. Fixed.
Version 3.10 [16. Dec 2019]
New Features
SystemView: Redesigned GUI.
- Windows can be moved, docked, and tabbed.
- Navigation and zoom improved.
- Dialogs and menus reworked.
- SystemView: Changed licensing to free non-commercial use of all features.
- SystemView: Added IP Recorder.
- SystemView: Added UART Recorder.
- SystemView: Display Markers (User Events) in timeline.
- SystemView: Runtime Window added.
- SystemView: Context interrupt time added.
- SystemView: Data export added.
- Target Source: Added IP Recorder for embOS and emNet.
- Target Source: Added IP Recorder for embOS Windows Simulation.
- Target Source: Added UART Recorder.
- Target Source: Added event to record intermediate Markers between start and stop.
- SystemView: Added Names for Timers.
- SystemView: Improved (multi) selection of Events.
- SystemView: Added drag of Timeline without changing selected events (when Alt key is down).
- SystemView: Added Tooltips and Context Menu to Contexts Window.
- SystemView: Run Time of tasks is now measured from Task Run to Task Block/Stop.
- SystemView: Load and analysis time of recordings improved.
- SystemView: Resource usage improved.
- SystemView: Addvanced settings for J-Link configuration added.
- Target Source: #ifndef'd options in SEGGER_SYSVIEW_Conf.h to enable definition from project options.
- Target Source: Added callback to notify recorder (such as UART Recorder) about new Events.
- Target Source: Renamed User Events to Markers.
Version 2.52d [13. Aug 2018]
Program corrections
- SystemView: RTT Control Block detection possibly timed out too early. Fixed.
- SystemView: Unhandled exception crash when running out of memory. Fixed.
Version 2.52c [13. Aug 2018]
- SystemView PRO: Initially load 5M events instead of 1M.
Program corrections
- SystemView PRO: Under special circumstances no more than 1M events were loaded. Fixed.
Version 2.52b [13. Aug 2018]
New Features
- Target Source: Added support for ARMv8m baseline.
- Target source: Option to start recording right after init added to embOS sample configurations.
- Target source: FreeRTOS integration for FreeRTOS V10 and a:FreeRTOS added.
Version 2.52a [07. Sep 2018]
- Target Source: uc/OS-II support added.
- Target source: FreeRTOS integration split for V8 and V8.
Program corrections
- FreeRTOS Integration: SYSVIEW_DeleteTask used wrong struct members. Fixed.
Version 2.52 [07. Sep 2018]
New Features
- SystemView: Command line configuration added.
- SystemView: Single Instance Mode added.
- Target Source: Support for Micrium OS Kernel added.
- SystemView: Display of hexadecimal values improved.
- SystemView: JTAG Scan Chain configuration added.
- Target Source: Sample configurations sorted by OS.
- Target Source: Cycle Count enable in post mortem mode added to sample configurations.
- FreeRTOS Integration: Patch file for FreeRTOS V9 added.
Program corrections
- SystemView: SystemView could crash when primary debug session stops. Fixed.
- SystemView: SystemView could crash on startup if J-Link Software is not found. Fixed.
- SystemView: SystemView could crash or show no events while running. Fixed.
- FreeRTOS Integration: Deleted tasks have not been removed from internal list. Fixed.
Version 2.50 [04. May 2017]
New Features
- SystemView: SystemView PRO activation and license management added.
- SystemView: Unlimited Recording added.1
- SystemView: Custom Filters added.1
- SystemView: Export of Terminal Output added.
- SystemView: Registered modules added to System Information.
- SystemView: Recording analysis and load time improved.
Version 2.42 [01. Mar 2017]
Version 2.40e [23. Feb 2017]
Version 2.40d [03. Feb 2017]
Version 2.40c [01. Feb 2017]
Version 2.40b [27. Jan 2017]
Version 2.40a [08. Sep 2016]
Version 2.40 [28. Jul 2016]
Version 2.38 [24. Jun 2016]
Version 2.37a [17. Jun 2016]
Version 2.37 [09. Jun 2016]
Version 2.36a [27. May 2016]
Version 2.36 [24. May 2016]
Version 2.34 [01. Apr 2016]
Version 2.32b [23. Mar 2016]
Version 2.32a [17. Mar 2016]
Version 2.32 [11. Mar 2016]
Version 2.30 [27. Jan 2016]
Version 2.28 [14. Jan 2016]
Known problems/limitations
- None.