Release notes for embOS Version 3.62c2 for ColdFire and IAR compiler

  1. Tool chain used for build
  2. New features
  3. Improvements
  4. Program corrections
  5. Known problems/limitations
  6. Release history
  7. Miscellaneous

Tool chain used for build

The following tools have been used:

Compiler:  IAR ICCCF     V1.22D
Assembler: IAR ACF       V1.22D
Librarian: IAR XAR       V1.03P
Workbench: IAR IARIDEPM  V5.3.3.780

New features

Version 3.62c1

  1. Support for all ISA variants added.
    embOS now comes with libraries which were compiled with the ISA A, ISA A+, ISA B and ISA C option.
    Thus, all Coldfire variants, including V1, V2 and future versions, are supported by embOS now.

  2. Start project for M51AC265 added.
    embOS now comes with a ready to go start project fpr the V1 CPU M51AC256 which runs on the DEMOAC starter board.
    The project may be downloaded into the internal RAM or Flash using the on board BDM debugger and CSpy.

  3. Update to new embOS sources V3.62c
    embOS for Coldfire now is based on embOS version 3.62c with several new features and improvements.
    All modifications of the generic embOS sources are described in the generic release notes.

Version 3.52d

    Support for nestable interrupts.

Version 3.50b



Version 3.50b


Program corrections

Version 3.62c2

  1. OS_ISRHandlerNestable corrected
    The new handler for nestable interrupts failed when an interrupt occurred in a critical section.
    The handler delivered a wrong interrupt vector number.
    The problem existed in version 3.62c1 of embOS and is fixed with version 3.62c2.

  2. Task switch from interrupt corrected
    The previous version of embOS for Coldfire might have crasehd when executing a task switch from interrupt.
    The problem occurred when a task was interrupted with an un-aligned stack.
    The problem existed in version 3.62c1 of embOS and is fixed with version 3.62c2.

  3. Startup file and project for M51AC256 corrected
    The M51AC256 CPU needs a reserved area of 20 bytes in Flash
    The previous startup code reserved 16 bytes only.
    The corresponding linker file has to reserve 20 bytes as CFMCONFIG area, starting from address 0x3FC.
    A linker file with correct settings is now delivered with embOS for Coldfire.
    The problem existed in version 3.62c1 of embOS and is fixed with version 3.62c2.

Known problems/limitations

Version 3.50d1

  1. Near memory model not supported
    embOS for Coldfire and IAR compiler does not support the near memory model.
    Libraries for the near memory model can be built by compiling the sources.

Release history

Version Release date Short explanation
V3.62c2 07. Mai 2010 Interrupt handler corrected.
V3.62c1 22. Feb 2010 All opcode variants supported.
New embOS sources V3.62c
V3.52d 08. Nov 2007 Support for nestable interrupts.
V3.50b 18. Jul 2007 First version with release history


This document was first released with version 3.50b of the software.
Software released earlier is documented internally. This information is available at request.

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